Welcome to April!


(This post was originally posted on my Patreon for my subscribers)

I'm going to start April off with some news about the new documentary, some artwork, updates on my fantasy story draft that I've been releasing through my Patreon, funding resources if you're struggling with COVID setbacks, and some of my favorite recipes from March.

My husband and I have lost so much work through film, websites, graphic design, and just regular day job loss in the last several weeks. I'm so grateful we've stayed healthy, for the most part, through March. It's a lot of uncertainty, not just for us, but for everyone. For those of you still investing, I will make sure April is full of recipes, stories, and art to help us all get through this tough time together. 

First up...


I made delicious bagels, started a sourdough starter (not to be trendy, but because there's no yeast. I bake regularly and someone decided they needed bread more than TP (which to be honest, okay, I can see) and there's now a nation wide baking yeast shortage. 


So here's a few favorite recipes I've found this last month to try: bagels and a bread starter (or So You Want to Make Your Own Yeast?) I absolutely loved the bagels, and they were surprisingly easy: even with the mistakes I made, they turned out fantastic and I'm excited to see what happens on my next attempt. The bread starter has been going well so far, but the ADHD part of me is still trying to figure out how I incorporate it into my daily routine without it disrupting other routines. Once I crack that, we'll resume the bread making and the peace of mind. 

For those of you subscribed to the $5 tier, I'll have some custom recipes for you in the next week that are great for a batch baking day. Let's face it: while neurodivergent people run into spoon issues all the time, right now we're all facing executive disfunction issues while we shelter at home. This is a recipe that will yield over a week of meals, three different recipes, for less than $50 for the week. 


To thank you all, I'm making the first three chapters of this in-progress fantasy story draft available to all levels of my Patreon. I'm eight chapters in, and I've fallen in love with these characters and the adventure they're on.

When I wrote my first novel, it was all very planned out. I knew the ending, I knew what I wanted the story to "say" about family, carving your own path, creating community, etc. But this story is very different. Each chapter is revealing something new, expanding the universe and mythology while going deeper into who these characters are as people. And there's magic, and it's fun to have something escapist (literally right now where Jin and Fen are) to write while things are so hard. 

Chapters 7-9 will be released next week.


I've been working on a new comic strip the last month which will also debut next week for those at the illustration level, although I'll share a few pictures for all my patrons at the end of the month. 


COVID has disrupted so much of the economy. It's hitting my film schedule, video projects, and design work severely. I'm now up to twelve cancellations as of this morning, just over the past two weeks.

What I'm trying to hold in my mind is that every cancellation I get represents someone else having just as hard a time as me. Film event organizers who were going to use the film to raise funds for their nonprofit and the tribes cancelling screenings, authors whose book tours were cancelled and small business owners fighting for themselves and their staff cancelling web projects, arts organizations shutting down events...

These cancellations represent people choosing the collective good. We can #FlattenTheCurve if we all behave responsibly. For that, I’m applauding every cancelled gig right now. (Please read this if you're in doubt about the severe, and sadly, prolonged measures we have to take this year to slow the rise of this virus: https://www.nytimes.com/…/coronavirus-model-us-outbreak.htm…)

That said—all this hurts. Upset schedules and uncertain futures are hard to process. It’s easy to let fear overwhelm and short-circuit empathy and focus on "how does this affect me". I was so worn out last night I wept through dinner. And that's okay. It's important to process how bad this feels. The last two weeks have been so tough, but there are so many other people who have it worse, especially right now: more vulnerability, more uncertainty, and I don't want to take that for granted.

As this crazy week wraps up, what I really want more than anything is to help others. It's tough to offer anything substantive right now when my workload has been so thrown off, but if you need any words of encouragement, someone to vent at, cry to, or just listen quietly, please know my messages are open.

It's not much, but it's what I can give right now.

I had a very good development on the new film a few weeks ago. A REALLY good thing might happen, but if it happens, I was informed it's months away because COVID is everything right now. It's hard, not to know when it will be safe to begin interviewing people again. Right now, my next film interview is scheduled for the middle of May. We'll see if that still happens or if it's delayed. I'm so excited for this film, but its schedule is dependent on the safety of the community.


for people affected by Coronavirus

Seattle Artist Relief Fund Amid COVID-19 (organized by Ijeoma Oluo and LANGSTON)

COVID-19 Artist Trust Relief Fund

CULTURAL RELIEF FUND (organized by 4Culture)

Seattle Hospitality Emergency Fund (organized by Jessica Tousignant)

Coronavirus Rent Relief Fund (organized by Frederick Joseph)

Here's an excellent list with more resources beyond funding like tenant rights, wifi access, self-care strategies, and a comprehensive list of grants listed by region.

So that's all the news that's fit to print. Patron tiered benefits will come next week. Until then, I hope you all stay safe and well. Thank you again for your support.