The End of Twitter, the Start of a Substack

So if you’re not terminally online, Twitter has changed a lot in the last month since it was purchased. Twitter has, for the last decade, been a crucial part of news-breaking, activism, organization, and the literary community. If the site goes away, or continues to be intentionally broken until it’s no longer usable, it’s going to hurt a lot of these communities.

Because of that, a lot of people have been trying to trade contacts with each other like we’re on the last day of summer camp. It’s endearing how hard we’re all trying to preserve our communities. I’ve been in a several digital migrations throughout my life and I’ve never seen people try as hard to prioritize connection before.

To that end, I started up a newsletter:

It’s going to feature different content than the blog, and the blog will continue to feature its own content. My Patreon will also feature its own unique content (focusing on recipes, story previews, and art). If you’re like to follow along, I’m looking forward to sharing more writing with you. And for those of you leaving Twitter, you can find me elsewhere online below: